Once children have gone through primary or secondary studies, YENOF supports them with further training and qualifications in order to increase their chances of finding jobs and being self-sufficient, independent and active family and community members.
We facilitate their access to different institutes specialized in the field of languages and other professional bodies such as the International Group where 10 children trained for a period of 6 months in the field of mechanism (maintenance of generators).
In addition, we organise courses within our organisation. Those have included:
- English language courses that benefited 220 students.
- Computer (187 students).
- First Aid (50 students).
- Decorator (22 students).
- Art (72 students).
- Carpentry (35 students).
- Human Development (83 students).
Many courses were also conducted by foreign volunteers to develop the skills of children during the summer holidays. Unfortunately, due to the war all these courses have now had to stop.
In parallel we have established vocational and marketing programmes for women to help poor families improve their chances of employment and a decent life by offering six months long courses in the field of embroidery [READ MORE], sewing, doll making, and handicrafts. In addition, the organization markets and sells the products made with all the proceeds going to the makers.
We have also set up an interest-free loan programme:
We provide long-term loans to mothers of students and trainees who are registered with the organisation. This programme helps them purchase supplies and sewing machines and develop projects to support their families independently.
Yemen Noor Foundation for education and relief (YENOF), previously known as YERO, is a non-governmental organisation that was established in April 2003. It was set up to ensure access to education for children who drop out of school due to poverty.
In 2007, YENOF launched a parallel programme to help the children’s parents achieve self-sufficiency through mothers being included in sewing and embroidery workshops and interest free loans.
The embroidery programme quickly proved to be of great economic and social value. In 2019, it also was recognized for its cultural impact with workshops preserving and raising awareness of Yemen's rich and diverse embroidery and needle work heritage.
Sana`a , Al-Roishan
CopyRight © 2023 Yemen Noor Foundation for Education and Relief